
Thornbury Play & Learn Nursery

Thornbury Nursery delivers The Early Years Foundation Stage framework. We provide a stimulating, fun environment to promote active, independent learning and develop children who are engaged and fascinated in their play.

Unique Child

Every child is unique and differences are celebrated. Each child’s key person works closely with parents/carers to understand every child’s interests and development to provide activities and interactions that support each child’s learning and development.

Positive Relationships

Key persons support children and parents on transition into nursery to help children to make secure attachments and feel confident to explore. Key persons also help children to build relationships with other children and develop their social skills.
Play area

Enabling Environments

Nursery provide a stimulating environment that is regularly enhanced to ensure children remain engaged in exciting activities. There are also quieter areas in nursery for rest and relaxation. Practitioners support children to learn nursery routines which helps children to feel confident and secure and supports all aspects of learning.

 Learning and Development

Children learn through individualised planning to meet each child’s interest and develop their skills and knowledge. Practitioners also deliver planned activities alongside this to learn about seasons, festivals and topics. Children’s development is assessed on entry and each term to ensure we are meeting every child’s needs. 
Play area
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 Looking for a nursery/pre-school providing quality child education in Bradford? Call Thornbury Play & Learn Nursery 
on 01274 669901
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